The Metchosin Community Association (MCA) has a wide variety of volunteer opportunities. There are volunteers needed for both one-time a year events and regularly recurring tasks.
Our goal with volunteers is to avoid making you to feel that you are taking on a ‘job’ without pay!
We welcome you to help on an as-and-when you are available basis.
We will work around your availability and schedules to cover times when you can’t make it.
We try to make volunteering fun and give you the chance to work with a team of people to help our community.
We want you to volunteer for things you enjoy doing.
All we ask is that you make every effort to show up to do what you sign up for or, when possible, give us fair notice that you won’t be there.
Look through this page and email or phone our office to let us know what types of volunteering you are interested in.
Annual - Jan to March
Services Auction
Soliciting donations
Assisting during live/silent auction
Set up – take down
Annual - May/June
Mighty Garage Sale
Putting up and taking down tents
Accepting donations
Sorting donations
Night security
Set up of silent auction
Clean up
Entry Donation takers
Recycling organization
Occasional/Seasonal as required
Community House Maintenance
Lawn mowing and trimming
Window cleaning
Minor repairs
Office Coverage
Answering MCA phone and personal enquiries on Mondays and staff holidays
Annual - Early September
Metchosin Day
Cooking and selling corn at MCA booth
Serving cobbler and tea/coffee in Community House
Set up and take down of photography competition entries
Clean Up
Annual - Early December
Pearson College Winter Concert
Set up – take down
Dessert Raffle
Donations Collections
Annual - November/December
Mince Pie Sale
Assist in pie crust making at Royal Bay Bakery
Assist in mincemeat making
Assist in pie assembly