Programs and Events
We have a variety of programs and events held throughout the year.
Art Drop-in - For anyone interested in painting on a weekly basis. More...
Art on the Walls - View monthly displays of paintings and photographs. More...
Garage Sale - Annual Mighty Garage Sale is held every May, this community event collects donations from residents and sells them during a two day event to raise money for the operation of the Community House. More...
Guest Speaker Series - This is a very popular series at the Community House. The MCA casts about the local area to identify experts who are willing to speak on a wide and varied range of topics. If you have any topic requests or know of someone who might consider speaking on a subject please let us know.
Knitting Cafe - Held the 1st and 3rd Monday of every month for the evening classes and the Knitting Cafe afternoon classes are on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month for the afternoon classes. Knitters of every skill welcome, plus beginners. No formal classes are held, but lots of expert and friendly advice is always available. More...
MCA's Board of Directors Meeting - Held on the 2nd Thursday of each month, this meeting is also open to any members in good standing of the Metchosin Community Association.
Music Concerts - A series of concerts by local and regional musicians and groups are organized throughout the year. Check the calendar of events for upcoming concerts.
Parent & Tots -meets on Fridays from 9:30 am to 12 noon. This is an opportunity to get together with others who have young families. More...
Pearson College Outreach - On Monday afternoons a van arrives at the Community House with college students who visit the homes of Metchosin seniors or assisting elementary school students with after-school activities. More...
Rug Hookers - First and third Thursdays, monthly, 10:30 am - 1:30 pm, led by Sheila Stewart, certified Instructor of Traditional Rug Hooking. More...
Services Auction - Held in March each year, this fund raiser collects offers of services from local businesses and individuals which are auctioned off online and at a live auction.
Ukelele Group - Third Friday of the Month. A drop-in program that welcomes all ages who love to play ukulele and sing. More...
VIHA's Adult Day Program - Mondays and Wednesdays of each week throughout the year. An opportunity for our seniors to stay in touch with other people within our community. More...